Total Health Care - 5 Formula Make You’re Beautiful by Salt

Hello all friends find me again. After I post story concern with saline many people are interesting it so much therefore I think that I should find salt story that affect with your health to post more. At last I find this useful knowledge, I guarantee that this salt story will be interesting for many women surely. I will show special property of salt that can take care of your health and beauty all body parts with 5 formula make you’re beautiful by salt.

Formula 1: Decrease Bruise around Your Eyes
Mix salt 1 teaspoon with a cup of hot water and then use fabric or cotton coat your saline and close your eyes about 5 – 10 minutes. The bruise around your eyes will gradually fade. This is good tips help who not enough sleep and get bruise around the eyes (sometime you may call Panda man or Panda women 555)

Formula 2: Reduce Oil on your Face
Use towel coat the hot water close your face about 3 – 5 minutes for help open pore after that insert water into spray bottle mix with the salt about 1 teaspoon and shake them until salt are melted. Spray saline on your face then wipe your face by towel again. This tips is so easy only you have salt and water this tip is complete.
total health care blog.
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